The Hound's Bark
Healdsburg High School

Play Ball?
By: Nicki Richardson
Photo by: Nati Harnik/Associated Press
While many people have been sticking to their homes and only interacting from safe distances, there hasn’t been much chance to get out and get active. Some major league sports like basketball, baseball, and football have been able to have their seasons, but many high school teams have had their seasons canceled as the global pandemic continues its race. Though it is entertaining to watch professional athletes in their element, it also makes some feel left out as they aren’t able to play some of the sports they love.
In Dallas, Texas, a man took matters into his own hands, and decided that he’d had enough of sitting around with no baseball. With the help of his wife and her social media accounts, he was able to get a few people from around the community safely gathered around to play catch with each other as a way to be active as well as have a sense of normalcy.
In Sonoma county, there are an abundance of student athletes of all sports as well as parents who formerly were. Some elements of sports can be easily performed within safe distance, such as playing catch with a baseball or football, or passing a soccer ball around. If there is access to a park or field that people can get to, it would be easy to space people out safely in order to perform these activities.
Besides passing a normal ball around, people could also play games including ultimate frisbee, corn hole, tennis, cycling, going for walks or runs, or swimming. Though it may be harder to find the materials necessary for some of these activities, they are still ideas of what could be possibly done.
Even if people do not have any sports experience or aren't “in shape”, it is still an opportunity for people to get outside for a bit instead of inside behind closed doors as many have done for the past few months.
There are also many groups on Facebook for people around Sonoma County where word could be spread of someone wanting to play together, or people who would like to get outside.