The Hound's Bark
Healdsburg High School

Annika Rose Torske
Mar 3, 2022
If the water could talk, what do you think it would say?
If the water could talk, what do you think it would say? The water that is constantly being recycled through every living thing. If it had its own memory, what would it think? What would it remember?
It would remember all of history. It would be thinking of the ways it could help save itself and help others. It would listen to the wicked words of climate change and face it head on. It would be selfless, unlike us. We take water for granted everyday. We take long hot showers or leave it running when we do the dishes or when we play in it. What we don’t realize is that we’re wasting it. The drips of a faucet, even if it’s 1 drop every few seconds, is still wasting water. The average human wastes around 30 gallons of water in one day and multiplies that by 8 billion. Pretty big number for gallons of wasted water, isn’t it? If you want to stop this, try being more mindful of how much water you use and how to transform yourself from being the waster to being the saver.
Though we’ll likely never run out of water, the percent of water that is fresh that we can use for drinking, irrigation, and most industrial uses is a frightening 3% and is decreasing by the minute. Our earth is projected to no longer have enough freshwater to meet global energy needs by 2040. That is only 18 years from now, so it is in our lifetimes! The best scientists have gathered together to try to solve these problems, but it is a team effort, and a very big one. It takes the whole world to solve this issue. If everybody started saving water and keeping our waters clean by removing trash from local rivers, ponds, and lakes, it would make such a difference! It can all start with You. Start the change and save the environment as well as our future.
Here are 10 Examples for How to Save Water:
Take a short shower every 2 to 3 days instead of everyday (try to take baths if you can)
Don’t leave the water on when you do the dishes or brush your teeth
Don’t use the toilet as a wastebasket (we have trash cans for a reason)
Get flow restrictors for your shower
Check the pipes in the house for leaks
Only use the washing machine when you have a full load (same with dishwasher)
Don’t overwater your plants (try to rely on rain water for most of your plants)
Wash your car only when it's very noticeably dirty and use a bucket of water instead of a hose.
Always finish your cup of water
Go to the river instead of getting your own pool